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Projects and Blog


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Peters Blog

Shiny APPs

StockData Analysis
This takes in any stock. Performs linear regression analysis on 4 years of data and makes price predicitons as well as additional analysis.
Regression Plots
Pre Set with Dow Jones Stocks. Allows user to set date range to look at regression lines, prices and volume of stock.
Regression Plots 2
Same as above, but you can run for any stock.
Drink Size Calculator
Find out BAC and how many standard drinks one has consumed.

Static Projects

Machine Learning

Regression Analysis
Semi-Supervised Machine Learning solution to predict alcohol abuse based on family traits.
Predicting Stock Prices
Enter in a price of a stock and predict stock prices up to two months ahead using technicals.
Crime in the Time of Covid
Using linear regression to predict crimes based on covid deaths.

Network Analysis

Airport DATA
A deep dive into the network of airports in the United States.
A Closer Look into Enrons Emails
Looking into the email activity of all enron employees

Data Visualizations

Stock Data Returns
UFO’s Visualized in the US
Stroke Data Correlations
Austrailian Weather Data
Diabetes Data